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Monday, July 14, 2008


I am the proud father of twin boys. I have other children, but they're older, unknown, and neglected. It seems that God gives fools multiple births. I mean He expects you to make a mistake with one, and gives you another one to atone for and make amends.
I'm pretty sure I can't use one for spare parts. There is probably 100 agencies specifically devoted to finding mis-managed multiples. When one slams his arm in the car door I readily
announce we have another one. My wife can't stand me.
I love the little guys. They're only five years old and they like the same baseball team, the same candidate, the same magazine among other things. Genetics is wonderful.
I don't want them to be President, or a doctor, or a lawyer. One wants to be a cowboy and that seems feasible....he hasn't seen Brokeback Mountain. The other wants to watch sharks for a living. I don't think one needs a college degree to turn on the Discovery Channel. This seems to be a tuition saver.
I want them to be happy and live long enough to give spare parts.

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