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Tuesday, July 15, 2008


We were over at a friend's house for the Fourth of July and gathered in the living room around his new, unpaid for, Samsung 40" HDTV. There were a lot of oohs and ahhhs. We watched the Yankee/Red Sox game.
I kept getting distracted by the television crowd. When a batter got up, you could see everyone behind him in utmost clarity. One man kept picking his nose. During his diggings, I missed a hit. I don't need that much information. We noticed the sweat, the pimples, the bugs, the individual raindrops, and a plethora of things which had nothing to do with the ball game.
The party was wowed. Most left early to buy an HDTV.
My wife and I donated some money to the Appalachian Service Project instead. I don't have HDTV, but I bet you could really see some starving people in Appalachia. Their cracked lips, missing teeth, and festered sores would show up well in all it's digital glory.
Maybe I'll break down and buy an overpriced TV one day. I need to see if that guy is still picking his nose. He could be our next charity case.

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