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Friday, March 27, 2009

The Bug

Being a teacher, I had little time to write a blog and now have decided to carry on. Since I last wrote, we had an election and voted the right man in office. I now am focused on bringing about true change thru joining Obama's initiatives..
But at the present time, I am home with a stomach bug. Not just a bug......one of those bugs that were radioactively created in 1950's horror films. It has hit all five members of the family. It gave my friend six days of agony, yet one son had it for only an hour. I am on my third day.
Sips of water bring excruciating pain....food is out of the question. Television is an apparition that appears through moments of delirium. And there isn't a damn thing on.
When one is ill it is best to avoid CNN and MSNBC because there isn't enough strength for anger. I find myself agreeing with everything, as long as it will leave me and my blankets alone.
There is so much I would love to do to change the world, but right now I would give my all to eat a pain-free saltine.

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